1 Down 30 More to Go

It’s March and time for the Annual Slice of Life month long writing challenge. A slice of my life each day for today and the next 30 days. It’s the 13th annual challenge: I have participated in several before, but last year I let life get in the way did not even try. Truth be told I had already told a couple of people that I would not this year. Yet here I am.

I am in the process of finishing the final touches for a book of poems that is about fifteen years overdue. The finished product will not be in my hand come the first day of spring as I hoped. It is finally ready to go to an editor which is further than I’ve ever gotten with it before. My next big step after that is the copyright process. I am crossing my fingers to at least have the first galley in hand by the end of April at the latest. Wish me luck!

In the interim I have a couple of out of town trips scheduled in the next few weeks. I should be able to get a few blog posts out of that right? Yes, I am a glutton for punishment to take up this challenge on top of all of this, but it is called a challenge for a reason.

1 down 30 more to go!

It is Day 1 of the March Slice of Life Writing Challenge for 2020. Stop in and see how others are slicing it up!

Slice of Life logo

15 thoughts on “1 Down 30 More to Go

  1. Wow! Working on a book is such an amazing thing, and you’re so close! Be kind to yourself if as you said above “life gets in the way” again. This is for you, not to create stress or guilt. I’m glad you’re here and glad I read your post to remind myself the same thing. Writing at all is a victory!

  2. Good luck with the publication process. There seem to be a lot of us who planned to NOT sign up, but did so after all. I am looking forward to hearing about the publication process and your trips.

  3. Glad you are giving the challenge a go this year. I look forward to reading your view on the word. I figure Day one is a getting started post, Day 31 a “We made it” post, and day 16 a half way there post. That means there are only 28 posts we need to come up with. Wishing yo well on your book.

  4. Could become a great outlet for all the things in your life, glad you chose the challenge! You got this! Look forward to reading more.

So? What do you think?