

Loquacious as stone she

Looks soft to the lonely

Listens to deep confides

Lifted in to the night

Likens their tears to tides

Lingering in the heart

Lost where to end or start


Today at dVerse our host for this week, Vandana, asks us to create a Pleiades poem.

A Pleiades, invented in 1999, consists of seven lines of six syllables; each line starting with the same letter as the title. The title is a single word.

And as further challenge, our poem should reference to a celestial body in honor of the form inspired from a heavenly object.

dVerse ~Poets Pub | Meeting The Bar: Pleiades

23 thoughts on “Luna

  1. If the moon thought, what would it think? I think you’ve captured that well.
    “Likens their tears to tides” is such a lovely line. Perfect!

    (Tried posting once but didn’t type my info in, so unsure if comment went through. Trying again.)

So? What do you think?