Am I Ready?

Woman sitting at office desk pinching bridge of her nose in stress

F***! Barely 9AM Monday and I’m frazzled already…
Really, this could have been an email, they don’t agree.
I don’t have enough coffee for this mess…
Damned too early to be this stressed!
Am I ready for the weekend? Oh, Father deliver me,

dVerse ~ Poets Pub | Quadrille #199 – TGIF

dVerse Poets Pub graphic
dVerse ~ Poets Pub

For this week’s prompt, Dee (aka WhimsyGizmo) has us freaking out over a quadrille, a poem of exactly 44 words not including the title, but must include some fun or fanatic use of the prompt word “Friday”.

I wish for the weekend acrostically.

29 thoughts on “Am I Ready?

  1. Oh, I remember those days. You built the frustration well here, Raivenne. Work can be a perfect exercise in restraint. Only one more year, just keep telling yourself that.

  2. I remember all that. It could have been an email but there are already so many emails, and most people don’t read them, so let’s have (yet another) meeting.
    I don’t usually like acrostics but this one works very well.

So? What do you think?