Garden Tableau

In the early hours
As the dawn does rise
Rain had fallen deep
As I lay in sleep
And soaked the dark earth  

Awake now I breathe
The petrichor scent
Deep in the city
A moment of Zen
My window garden
Belies urban sprawl


dVerse Poets Pub | Quadrille: How Does Your Garden Grow?

At dVerse Victoria wants to know about our gardens in a quadrille.

A Quadrille is a poem of exactly 44 words not including the title. The poem must contain the prompt word for the challenge: Garden.

And because Muse likes to combine challenges I wrapped the Quadrille in a Tableau. (Or is that wrapped the Tableau in a Quadrille? You decide.)

Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie| Saturday Mix – Lucky Dip, 8 August 2020

For this week’s Lucky Dip, the mystery bag gives us a Tableau. 

The Tableau, a poetry form created by Emily Romano in October of 2008, consists of one or more verses, each having six lines. Each line should have five beats. There is no set rhyme scheme, although rhyme may be present. The title should contain the word tableau.

11 thoughts on “Garden Tableau

  1. Not sure what city you live in but I pictured a bright window opening up to a small balcony with vegetable plants. My uncle lived in Brooklyn NY when he was alive and his windows didn’t even open in most of the rooms! I don’t think I could live in a city like that. I have always wanted to try living in a big city, like New York, even just for a few months.

    • Stine Writing, I live in New York City. I can open my open thank goodness. City living a mindset all its own, but we have tons of transplants who acclimate nicely. Try it! You just might like it!

      • When I finally sell my house I think I want to give it a try. I’m sure I can find a 6 mo. lease somewhere. Even a 3 mo. based on college professors, etc.

  2. This is Zen-like indeed. Even in the city, a tiny garden can take root. I spent a summer in the Bronx when I was in College…not sure I could survive in that context, though it does have its own beauty.

So? What do you think?