Keeps On Moving

Tick tock
It can stand still
Yet keeps on moving

Grains of sand
It crawls or flies
But keeps on moving

What comes
Fore or aft
From womb to tomb
It keeps on moving


Created by friend and blogger GirlGriot. An Arun is a fifteen-line poem in three sets of five lines. Each set of five lines follows the same syllable structure: starting with one syllable and increasing by one syllable with each line. 1/2/3/4/5 — 3x. There are no other rhyme or structural requirements.

dVerse Poets Pub | Open Link Night #289

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13 thoughts on “Keeps On Moving

  1. Thank you so much for posting to dVerse. Lillian here, the pubtender for this OLN prompt which means poets are welcome to post any one poem of their own. However, I think you forgot to tag dVerse ( or to include a link back to dVerse at the end of your poem. As you know, this helps others find dVerse and, I believe, also increases your readership. Can you please add that tag or link? I’ll then comment on your poem and it will insure your post stays on Mr. Linky so all our readers can enjoy it. I’ll come back in about an hour to insure you’ve added a tag. Many thanks!

    • Thanks for adding the link to dVerse!
      Love your poem….time can be elusive….last forever….be over in a jif!
      These words resonate with me:
      “It can stand still
      Yet keeps on moving”
      Much said in few words. Well done!

      • Thanks Lillian. Apologies for the posting blip. I had added the link to dVerse, but forgot to click that all important “update.”

        Those are my favorite lines from it as well. Time is like that.

  2. Gorgeous! I agree, time does stand still and yet it urges us to keep moving, to keep embracing all that life has to offer. 💝💝

  3. Time is such a deep subject to try to penetrate. Time doesn’t argue. It doesn’t stand still. Slowly it rages or politely appeases. It saves itself for a rainy day

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