Yums the Wurd

As part of the month long celebration of a friend’s birthday.  we had a birthday lunch at a Momofuku Noodle Bar. Yes, that is the actual name a small, but popular chain of an Asian noodle bar in New York City.  I’ve been to Momofuku a few times now. For a place renowned for their noodles, each time I’ve been there was for their chicken dinner, of which there is not one noodle to be found.

Let me present Delicious Exhibit A: Deep Fried Chicken and Spicy Sweet BBQ Wings, plus salad and tortillas in the covered black dish.

Momofuku Chicken Dinner

Momofuku Chicken Dinner

Really how gorgeous is that bowl of veggies? Romaine lettuce, mint and cilantro sprigs, with sliced mini carrots and radish. So colorful, it’s a work of art.

There were five of us at the table. There was still three pieces of chicken left over. That has never happened before. We all looked at each other as if to say “How did this happened?” We just couldn’t eat another bite.

Not even this:

Momofuku - A taste

Just a little something…

So naturally the birthday girl got to take the leftovers home, sans the little bit above of course.

You won this round Momofuku, we’ll get you next time.


Today is Day 18 of the March Slice Of Life Story Challenge.
Come see how others are slicing it up today.
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4 thoughts on “Yums the Wurd

  1. That all looks amazing! I’m definitely hungry now… Heading down to the kitchen even though I know there’s no beautifully arranged veggies or mouthwatering BBQ wings down there. Makes me think I need to plan a trip to New York! Glad you had a delicious Sunday. 🙂

  2. Looks delicious. I am always looking for new places to eat when I come to NYC. I’ll have to do a search and see if there are any in the theater district.

So? What do you think?