When Winter Cradles Spring

According to the calendar, this is spring’s first day
I can just make out the tinges of green on its way
But one more winter’s snowfall has one last say
Making this day, just like my heart, somewhat gray
Those first hints of green are a melancholy thing
My love I miss you most, when winter cradles spring

The spring day we met, the ground still had snow
And like the seedlings underneath a love began to grow
And the years like sunlight increased it’s glow
But on a snowy spring day, you were taken so
Trapped in a time warp, my eyes start to sting
My love I miss you most, when winter cradles spring

It has been a few years now, since you’ve died
And I concede, the tears grow less, that I’ve cried
I would love to say my pain has turned its tide
But on days like today all would know I’ve lied
For me it’s a lamentation, the morning birds sing
My love I miss you most, when winter cradles spring

When I look at the walls, in the spaces somewhat bare
In my mind’s eyes, are the pictures of you, still hanging there
The seasons come, the seasons go, in their time allotted share
But this, not quite winter, not quite spring, holds bittersweet air
I tug at the finger that sometimes wears your wedding ring
My love I miss you most, when winter cradles spring

Sometimes I’m hit with pangs that my heart can barely stand
But they’re starting to fade, like the tide wearing away sand

Those first hints of green are a melancholy thing
Trapped in a time warp my eyes start to sting
For me it’s a lamentation, the morning birds sing
I tug at the finger that sometimes wears your wedding ring
Wondering if, no when, my heart will ease its painful cling
Oh my love I miss you most, when winter cradles spring


SOL - Slice of Life March Challenge 2012

SOL - Slice of Life March Challenge 2012

* I wrote this poem eight years ago when my husband was very much among the living.
* Six years ago on this day, he became my late-husband.
* Two years ago this week I started this blog, referencing the above write, but somehow never posted it.
* Today I note, yet again, how time flies regardless of fun and I post and I remember and I smile and I give thanks again to all of you who have chosen to follow along with me on this path, no matter when you picked up the trail.


12 thoughts on “When Winter Cradles Spring

  1. A more beautiful memorial I couldn’t imagine, although it’s surprising that you wrote it while he was still alive.

    • I generally consider it a gift that my muse can pull things I know nothing about and make them so real to those who read my words. I’ve done such with several poems. This one was instead a curse that I obviously wish I did not have to learn about first hand.

      Thanks Bob.

  2. Charles, Kevin and Ruth – Thank you!

    GirlGriot – It is ll your fault I’m here- do you hear me? YOUR fault! And thank you! ♥

    Q – I…can’t…breathe…hobbit…hugs…helmmmmmph… 🙂 ♥-infinity!

  3. Anniversaries are a great reminder of days gone past, but what is neat is your big events and decisions are being made on the same day. Very smart if you ask me. A lot easier to remember.

    • Not exactly on the same day, but within very close range of the events; so yes the reminder is always there. I don’t know how smart that is, but I’ll take it. Thank you Michael,

  4. I’ve read it aloud…. and now I can’t speak
    The poignant words leave me breathless
    my knees have now gone weak
    I don’t know how to express to you
    how this poem made me feel
    I’m sitting here staring at the screen
    all emotion raw, and real…..

    Damn, Rai…. Awesome poem….

So? What do you think?