Burning the Blankness

The blank page
My tomb – My womb
Where I smolder
Gossamer – Nebulous

A spark from beneath the surface,
I scratch at an idea,
Thoughts slowly burning,
The kindling of
Letters and punctuations
Until I am borne anew
A phoenix

Burning away blankness
In sentences and paragraphs
In verse and prose

Then in splendiferous coda
Of the final character
I vale to the emptiness
My tomb, My womb
Of the next blank page


dVerse Poets Pub | Poetics: Creatures of the Blank Page

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Dora from Dreams from a Pilgrimage, challenges us to a write poem using any animal of choice (real or mythological) as a metaphor for how ideas and words take shape for you on a blank page

8 thoughts on “Burning the Blankness

  1. The phoenix metaphor is so compelling the way you use it, each new page an evocation of death and rebirth, borne anew to create once more as each idea flares into words. I love the mirrored beginning and ending that nicely replicates that cycle! A tour de force, Raivenne. Thank you so much for joining in the prompt.

  2. That’s the way it is Raivenne, always another blank space to fill, but it is an enjoyable challenge to fill them. 🙂✌🏼🫶🏼

  3. Think this is the first one from the challenge that involves a mythical creature, and I love what you did with the poem; highlighting the myth and lore of the creature with repetition, but also reflecting on the reality of writing, which is almost a never-ending process.

So? What do you think?