To Geek or Not To Geek Nerd is the Question

And today I let my nerdy geek fly when I pointed out to a fellow Game of Thrones fan that technically speaking Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons is actually the Mother of Wyverns.

Geeky? I actually said Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. (For the more technical, aka Game of Thrones nerdy among you , yes, I know her title is missing at least three more parts, but I ran out of breath typing it, whatevs – go stand in the corner and and call out dracarys!, see how much I’m worried about getting flamed over it.)

Nerdy? I then corrected my own self with is actually the Mother of Wyverns.

What about Vern you say? Glad you asked! (I know you didn’t.)

The George R. R. Martin novels are brilliant. However, whomever designed Daenerys’ ‘children’ for the show a little less so. Was there not one geek/nerd in the art department to fact check, or had someone like me to explain the error of their ways? Or were they outvoted on the technicality because to quote TikTok “Who’s gonna know?/They’re gonna know./Who’s gonna know?” * insert any raising hand gif you want here *. And before any go there, asking but isn’t a wyvern a type of dragon?, is akin to asking isn’t a crocodile a type of alligator? or aren’t salamanders and newts the same thing? Close, but no cigar, Virginia. In TLDR terms, while both are fire breathing creatures, wyvern have two legs, dragons have four. There are other differences, but I shan’t completely nerd out here in such detail you care to know. (I know you don’t.)

But I get why people just call them all dragons, I do. After all, Martin naming his novel A Waltz with Wyvern just wouldn’t have quite the same cachet, would it?

And here’s the crazy thing: I didn’t know I knew what a wyvern was until I said it. I have no idea when I learned it, or even in what context. Hey, I learned some flight terminology from a comic book, you can gain knowledge from the most unexpected places. Still, I guarantee were this Jeopardy! I would have drawn a blank in that needed moment, because that’s also how my brain doesn’t work sometimes. I have so many things on the tip of my tongue at any given moment it’s a wonder I can close my mouth. But I knew I was right about them. It amuses me how these odd pieces of nerf-formation stored in my cranium will crop up in conversations like a whack-a-mole rodent. (I know some want to whack me.)

And usually just unexpected – like yesterday’s post revealing the tidbit on Larry Bird. Or my penceant to randomly name-drop mythological deities with pop-culture references as though Bast, Dr. Strange, Beyoncé, Shiva, Worf, Freya, Childish Gambino and I are close personal peeps with whom I break out the mead, Kanar and ambrosia on any given night for a kiki in Kamar Taj. Hunty!

When these moments happen, I am inevitably asked a variation of how do you know these things? Which my brain generally interprets as why do you know these things? The answer remains the same: I drink and I I know random things – but hell if I know how I know them. (You certainly don’t want to know.)

Day 13 of 31 – Let’s see if others know how they are are slicing it out this Sunday…

15th Annual Slice of Life Writing Challenge

15th Annual Slice of Life Writing Challenge
Two Writing Teachers

4 thoughts on “To Geek or Not To Geek Nerd is the Question

  1. I haven’t read any of the GOT books, I know that I need to, but I did watch every episode. I sometimes wonder if writers, directors, graphic designers change what an author writes because they think they know better, or they want people to think that they are super talented because of what they came up with, or do they just think the audience is too dumb to notice.

    • The books are amazing, so rich in detail, characters and plot. It’s why those of us who have read them are clamoring for their completion.

      Though to be fair to the art staff and designers beleaguered to turn his words to vision, this was hard. Half the characters look very different from how they are described in the books and that was a fantastic call on their part. Some of what George imagined simply would not have gone over well. I was being somewhat silly about dragons versus wyvern, but they did an amazing job bringing the books and characters to life visually.

      To answer your question it’s a lot of the former, showing off their talents, and a bit of the latter, believing most of the viewing audience is too dumb to notice.

  2. I don’t know why it has never occurred to me to read a GOT book! This whole thing seems right up my alley. I love books with dragons (actual, and so named because of the title fits better.)

    It’s funny the things our brains think when we aren’t actively thinking!

    • READ THE BOOKS! So worth it!

      “It’s funny the things our brains think when we aren’t actively thinking!”
      Change ‘funny’ to ‘terrifyingly *hilarious*, *horrid* or *horndog*’ and that’s my pretty much thoughts on any given day.😁

So? What do you think?