I Don’t Wanna

From Monday morning my mind has been on GO!  It’s been pulling teeth while herding cats in the midst of putting out fires on the professional work front. Meanwhile my personal Inbox of work overfloweth. It’s the reason some of my slices have been posting really late this week. It’s been a string of “I’ll get to it in a moment as soon as I *fill in the blankety-blank-blank*”. Only I get distracted by this, then remember that and and dammit I forgot about whatever…  Next thing I know it’s after 9pm-10pm and I’m pantsing my slices. <– That somehow sounds wrong, but I don’t wanna think about it.

Oh good God, I'm exHAUSTed
Bonus points to those who know where this is from…

I’ve been mentally flying by the seat of my pants all week and I know those planes of thought -because trains of thought are too slow for my needs right now- are about to crash and burn. Sunday starts daylight saving time for most of the U.S. and I’m so tired the thought of losing that hour on Sunday has me worn out. I don’t wanna…

While the above gif is a THISCLOSE second place, this scene below is the most relatable thing to my brain’s processing capacity right now because I don’t…

At least it’s Friday, I think…right? Right.

Day 10  of 31 – Let’s see how others are slicing it out today…

15th Annual Slice of Life Writing Challenge
Two Writing Teachers

10 thoughts on “I Don’t Wanna

  1. I love your song and I feel it to the core of my being. A colleague mentioned that it was daylight savings this weekend and I couldn’t believe it! Report card weekend and daylight savings! Gasp!

    • Thanks, CJ. Ditto on this feeling like such loooong week. I’m usually not bothered by the time change. Then again, I can’t recall going into already exhausted. Crossing fingers.

  2. March is brutal! Every. Single. Year. It is the longest month in the school calendar. You are not alone. Sending you April vibes–but that might seem cruel as we face a 47 hour weekend. 🙂

    • I think March is brutal on any calendar, especially in the U.S. where spring is so close and yet so far. I have a mini vacation planned at the beginning of April, because there in NO way I’m making it to Memorial Day without some time off, so I’ll accept your April vibes. Thanks.

  3. Your exhaustion comes through loud and clear. Time to find a slow boat, grab a spot, and just exist. If you don’t take care of yourself no one else will. A glass, or two, or three, or a bottle of wine would be a good place to start.

So? What do you think?