I Want To Know

I was minded of Foreigner’s power ballad “I Want To Know What Love Is” when I read this post and while the bastion of nonsense that is the world of Tumblr every now and again someone gets a clue. This is not an end all-be all answer, for every love is different, but it is one that gets  the core of all long lasting loves it right.

(Click each one to enlarge it)







This is what lasting love is.

This is not to say that sparks won’t happen anymore, they do, but lovers tend to forget a spark is designed to be a temporary thing.

A spark is what gets the fire started, not the fire itself. And it’s that fire you want to build.

Now and again a new spark causes a flare-up to help keep those fires burning, but again it is not the fire itself. It’s not the spark, but the fire of the heart/h that gets you past the first year, the first decade, the fifth decade and beyond.



Slice of Life Writing Challenge – Two Writing Teachers

3 thoughts on “I Want To Know

  1. Beautiful! I love the idea that the spark is what gets the fire going but the fire burning is what you are going for. 27 years married and I’d have to say this is a great description. 🙂

  2. A spark is what gets the fire started, not the fire itself. And it’s that fire you want to build. After 27 years of marriage, I’d have to say perfectly stated. 🙂

So? What do you think?