Right Now…

Right Now I’m…

Listening to my iTunes, Non-Stop from the Original Broadway Cast recording of “Hamilton” is playing. It’s fitting as I have been on my computer for the past couple of week writing “like you’re running out of time” either for work or personal projects.

Loving that I am writing voraciously. Muse has been nearly excessively generous of late and I hope that I, her obedient servant, am in fact serving her well. She is wicked when takes away her gifts for lack of or improper use. I do not want to incur her wrath again.

Drinking nearly a gallon of water a day on average. I have done so for the past few weeks and I have to admit, other than the increased bathroom runs, it has been beneficial. My complexion is clearer and I actually feel hydrated.

Thinking about Love in the Time of CoViD-19. I was preparing to attend my cousin’s wedding in Boston at the end of the month. As I started writing this slice the word came down that while the wedding/marriage itself, now shrunk down to immediate family only will still happen, the reception afterwards has been officially cancelled. I know it was a hard decision to come to and not made lightly as there are family members, especially the international ones who, like me, now have to scramble to cancel hotel and travel arrangements.

Wondering now whether my trip to Atlanta for 221BCon in April will happen with the Corona Virus scare. I check the event’s social media pages daily. As of this morning the event has not been, nor look like it’s going to be cancelled – yet…

Wanting to behave like an adult. I have plenty of clothes. I don’t need to buy anything for the convention should it happen. I really should choose among the plenty I already have, but I’m also a girl at times and I saw this fabulous outfit online… Le Sigh!

Needing a vacation. We’re in the long period between President’s Day in February and Memorial Day at the end of May, with no government holidays between them. The convention in Atlanta, if it happens, would be a nice break, but it is an extended weekend at best. I want a full out week of vacation at the minimum and no, being quarantined is not a vacation.

Worrying about various friends who are each facing a major surgery over the next few weeks. Two will be close where I can be of help. The others are far in a way that I can’t even pretend about it. All I can do is send good healing vibes, well wishes and prayers.

Procrastinating ironing clothes. I can’t stand ironing. I have clothes in a bag to be ironed from the last time I did laundry a month ago and it’s time to do laundry again, meaning the bag is going to have new additions. I like wrinkle-free clothing, I just don’t like the process of ironing itself. Had I the funds, I would happily pay to have someone come to my home just to iron. Did I mention I. Abhor. Ironing? Maybe later this evening…

Anticipating with much hope that my trip to London, England for my birthday will happen! I’m scheduled to be a panel speaker at the inaugural HolmesCon 2020 and I’m so looking forward to it. Just thinking about it makes me have a banana almost to my to ears. 

Reading other slices and later on some fanfiction to take my mind off the above mentioned worry for friends and disappointment of the cancelled wedding. And yes, I’m still procrastinating on ironing clothes. Maybe tomorrow…

And Thanking aggiekesler for this cool format I have used for today’s slice. It’s one I am sure I will turn to again.

Day 15 of the Slice of Life Writing challenge for 2020. Let’s see how others are slicing it up this halfway point!

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14 thoughts on “Right Now…

  1. I like the way you have chosen some words and highlighted them here.

    I agree with you and the ironing. About 10 years ago I completely stopped buying things that need to be ironed (some of my things could probably still stand a good ironing, but I wear them without doing it!) I’ve got better things to do in my life and it seems like such a pointless activity.

    A gallon of water…I can alway feel when I haven’t had enough.

    • Thanks, Lisa. I can’t take credit for the form or the words, but i like it a lot and will use it again. Regrettably, no matter how gently I wash them, somethings need that extra touch, grr! Yes, the water in nearly twice the daily recommended amount, and yeah, I can tell when I have a busy couple of days and haven’t consumed enough as well.

  2. Such a good format! I haven’t done one like this for a while. 🙂
    I love this: “makes me have a banana almost to my to ears. ”
    Such a good way to talk about a smile.

    • Thanks! Time for you to do one again – you’ve got 16 days 😂! The banana line is a common French phrase, that I learned just yesterday. It really is a delightful turn of words that made me smile.

  3. Who knew there was so much going on *right now*? You do a splendid job working within the constraints of the form. In other news, I fully support your stance on ironing 🙂

    • All we can do is hope/pray it “flattens the curve” as the medics say and this time next year it will be a cautionary memory like the Bird Flu from a few years back.

  4. This is one of my favorite formats. I haven’t written one of these yet this year. I have a feeling it’s going to be making an appearance soon. I hope that your birthday trip will happen.

So? What do you think?